Another thing that we LOVE these days is Peek-a-Boo! I took Leyton to Memphis on Saturday shopping. A lady came up to us in Macy's talking to Leyton, and he pulled his lovie over his eyes. When she said "peek-a-boo" he would pull it down and smile at her. He did it like 5 times! It was so freaking cute! And today, he was standing on the couch, and would bury his head in the cushion, and wait for me to ask "Where is Leyton?" before he would look up.
Thornton and I lowered Leyton's bed to the lowest level the other night. Joyce said that she came in his room when he woke up from a nap, and he was standing straight up in the bed. He is so tall that the railing was hitting him midway on his chest, so we had to lower it all the way down. Now, when he is not standing up, it is hard for me to get him out! He is still talking his baby talks all day, sleeping great, making new sounds, etc. He is even mocking people! We went to Abby and Graydon's on Sunday to watch the Rebels play. Allie Harris started coughing, so Leyton fake coughed back to her! But he does not like anyone to mock him. If you do, he screams at you!
The changing table used to be his favorite place when he was really little, now he hates it! I have to put him on it to change him because if i change him on the bed or the floor i have to wrestle with him to keep him still. But when i first put him on the changing table, he screams until i give him something to play with while i change him. And if you tell him "No" to something, he does this funny thing with his nose and pouts for a minute. Too funny!
I cant say it enough what a WONDERFUL baby Leyton is. He is just always happy and easy going. I took him to Memphis with me on Saturday and he was such a trooper! And i took him to Greenwood on Monday to look at furniture with DD, and he was great! He never fussed. He is truly a blessing, and we thank God for him every day!!!!
We are going to the doctor next week for our 9 month well baby check up. Will update the stats after that!
Lovin him some bath time

Glued to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. If you get in front of him he
will lean so he can see around you.
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