Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mother - Son Weekend

Thornton left to go on his FINAL turkey hunting trip on Friday, so me and the little man have had a lot of quality time this weekend. DD came over to play today, and she had Leyton laughing so hard all day! They just played and played. Leyton spent the night with Sweetie and Redbone on Saturday night and had so much while Mama enjoyed a night out and got to sleep late today. It was so nice of them, and I really appreciated it!!

As far as the cereal eating, he likes bananas, but we are still not big fans of the cereal. But it is getting better!!!

Leyton, Aunt DD and Tootsie playing
DD had Leyton laughing so hard!

I came in the den and saw Leyton like this... up to no good!

Eating his bananas and cereal Saturday morning!

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